

Heavy Duty Zipper

Heavy Duty Zipper


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Makes an easy doorway through plastic barriers.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    Package Includes:

  • 2 seven foot Zippers
  • Zipper Knife

  • Designed by the manufacturers of the award-winning ZipWall® dust barrier systems, this accessory:

  • has a greater adhesive area allowing for an aggressive tack
  • each box comes with the ZipWall® zipper knife™ sheeting cutter
  • has the smoothest glide available
  • is engineered with large sturdy easy-slide teeth
  • is made with 2-sided pulls for easy entry/exit to or from the barrier
  • works in cold weather
  • This is the only zipper on the market that comes with the exclusive ZipWall® Zipper Knife™ sheeting cutter
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Heavy duty materials and the extra wide adhesive edge are what makes this zipper the perfect fit for a tough job. The Heavy Duty zipper comes with the exclusive ZipWall® Zipper Knife™ sheeting cutter. To install this zipper, just remove the backing and stick it to the barrier. Then open the zipper and cut the sheeting to make the doorway. The Zipper Knife™ sheeting cutter double cuts a channel in the plastic to keep the zipper from jamming while opining and closing. This zipper is great for heavy use over long periods and cold temperatures.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: ZipWall
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