

ADVA® 140M


W.R. Grace Co.

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High-range water-reducing admixture
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Quick Overview

    ADVA® 140M is a high-range water-reducing admixture based on polycarboxylate technology specifically formulated to meet the needs of the concrete industry. ADVA 140M meets the requirements of ASTM C494 as a Type A and F, and ASTM C1017 Type I. One gallon weighs approximately 8.8 lbs(1.1 kg/L) and does not contain intentionally added chloride. It is a low viscosity liquid that has been formulated by the manufacturer for use as received.

  • Can be used as a high-range water reducer as well as a mid-range water reducer providing production flexibility
  • Consistent air entrainment
  • Consistent performance across cement chemistries
  • Provides a superior combination of long slump life with near neutral set time
  • Concrete finishes easily without stickiness, tearing or spotty set characteristics
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ADVA 140M has been used successfully in a wide variety of concrete applications for high-slump, low water-to-cementitious ratio concrete requiring a high-range water reducer to flat work in residential applications requiring a mid-range water reducer. ADVA140M produces concrete with excellent workability characteristics for high slump and moderate slump concrete.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: W.R. Grace Co.
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