

ADVA® 190


W.R. Grace Co.

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High-range water-reducing admixture
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Quick Overview

    ADVA® 190 is a polycarboxlate based high-range water-reducing admixture specifically formulated to meet the needs of the concrete industry. It is a low viscosity liquid, which has been formulated by the manufacturer for use as received. ADVA 190 is manufactured under closely controlled conditions to provide uniform, predictable performance and is formulated to comply with specifications for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, ASTM Designation C494 as a Type A and F, and ASTM C1017 Type I admixture. ADVA 190 does not contain intentionally added calcium chloride.One gallon weighs approximately 8.8 lbs(1.1 kg/L).

  • Highly efficient, producing high slump concrete at very low dosages
  • Provides a combination of slump life with near neutral set time
  • Consistent air entrainment
  • Consistent performance across cement chemistries
  • Concrete finishes easily without stickiness, spotty set or tearing
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ADVA 190 super plasticizer produces concrete with extremely workable characteristics referred to as high slump.It also allows concrete to be produced with very low water/cement ratios for high strength. While ADVA 190 is ideal for use in any concrete where it is desired to minimize the water/cementitious ratio yet maintain workability, ADVA 190 is primarily intended for use in ready-mix concrete, but may also be used in other applications such as precast concrete and self-consolidating concrete.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: W.R. Grace Co.
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