Chem-Stud Spin-Type Capsule Adhesive Anchor SystemProduct Description : The Chem-Stud anchor systems consists of self contained two-part glass capsules andmatching chisel pointed anchor rods which are installed using a rotary hammer and rodadapters. The Chem-Stud adhesive, is an ester based resin material packaged in single use glasscapsules designed for installation of 3/8" through 1-1/2" threaded rods in solid concrete andmasonry materials. It can also be used with reinforcing bars.Chem-Stud Capsule – The outer capsule contains epoxy acrylate resin (vinyl ester) in whichquartz aggregate is suspended. The inner capsule contains a benzoyl peroxide hardeningagent. When the components are combined, they form an adhesive mortar which mechanicallybonds the anchor rod to solid base materials. This type of system must be used with a chiselpointed anchor rod and must be spun into the anchor hole using a rotary hammer drill.Chem-Stud Chisel Pointed Hardware – The threaded anchor rods have a 45° chiselpoint cut on one end to properly mix the components contained in the capsule duringinstallation. A 90° point is formed on the internally threaded inserts. The threaded rod orreinforcing bar used must have a chisel point to mix the components contained in thecapsule during installation. General Applications and Uses :